LoopHEAR LH102V2 has the same functions as the LH101 but with a connector to connect an external loop. Portable Induction Loop for communication with wearers of hearing aids and cochlear implants with a telecoil using the T / Loop program. Consideration has also been made for people with hearing loss but who do not wear hearing aids with the addition on an external earpiece that has a volume control. The LH102V2 is suitable situations including:
Although there is a built-in microphone it is supplied with an external plug in microphone which will be handy for distance between speaker and end user. The unit is powered by a rechargeable battery that provides up to 8 hours of continuous operation. Another feature is an audio input to plug in music or MP3.
Product Features:
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Manufacturer Part Number : LH102V2_BLK_1